Color Sorting Activity for Preschoolers

Colors can be taught to young children using this colourful sorting game! This fun colour game will help you improve your visual perception. It's a fun way to learn, and young children won't even notice they're learning.

This is a fun game that can be used to not only learn colours, but also to count and learn colour sight words. Sorting things into categories is a type of classification. Classification is a critical science and math skill that allows us to organise things and recognise patterns.

Have you noticed your child categorising objects by colour or shape? They begin to sort and classify on their own, but you can help them develop their skills even further.

This fun preschool colour sorting game not only teaches classification, but also colours, sight words, and even works on fine motor skills as they pinch and manipulate the clothes pin.

Not only is this a great preschool colour matching game, but it's also a great fine motor skill game and a colours sight words game. It's a fantastic activity.

Materials Required For This Color Sorting Game:

It doesn't take much to make this fun colour sorting game, but you will need a few items, some of which you may already have in your crafting supplies. If not, we can assist!

  • Pom Poms
  • Paint Palette
  • White Paper
  • Crayons
  • Glue Stick

Also, if you don't want to use a glue stick to adhere the colour name plates to the palette, you can use scotch tape.

How To Play This Game:


Set up a pom pom pile next to the labelled paint palette. If necessary, you could also place them in a container to keep them in place.


Give your child the clothes pin.


Allow them to color-sort the pom poms using the corresponding colour sight word.


As your child sorts the pom poms, have them repeat each colour word.


They win when they have correctly classified all of the pom poms.


If they got some colours mixed up, you can always take them back out and try again.

Teaching younger children the basics, such as colours, can be difficult at times, which is why colour sorting games are so useful. This preschool colour sorting game reinforces colours and words, which is an added bonus.

Little children are eager to play, not sit and concentrate on words and paper. They learn from their surroundings and by doing, so why not make color learning interactive?